*The following has been contributed by a member of the Saint Edward Email News and Prayer Request Network for your information:*
———- Forwarded message ———
From: Very Reverend Rick Fischer <frfischer@dioceseofbaker.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 3:28 PM
Dear Fathers, and all,
Attached please find the official policies of the Diocese to be implemented immediately. Please make sure that your parishioners are made aware of the policies.
As this is a very fluid situation, policies may be revised, on a week by week basis. Please refer your people to the Diocesan website for updates.
If you have more suggestions, please let us know.
In Christ,
Very Rev. Richard O. Fischer V G
*Please email anything you would like to share through this email network to **PrayerNetwork@stedwardsisters.org* <PrayerNetwork@stedwardsisters.org> *Also, please let us know if you would like to have any email addresses added to or removed from the distribution list. Thank you.*