Important Church Cancellations

Hi all,
Keeping it short and simple…new in from the Diocese:
*Repeating from last week:*

For your health and safety at his time, precautionary measures will be implemented:

  1. The Blessed Sacrament will be served in single species; the Sacred Body.
  2. During the sign of peace and the Lord’s Prayer, please avoid holding or shaking hands.
  3. Coffee and donuts after Sunday Mass are cancelled for the month of March.


  • *The St Edward Tea and Fashion show meeting for March 15th is cancelled. *
  • *No RE Classes until after Spring Break. *
  • *Lenten Stations of the Cross Fridays @ 5:30 pm.have been cancelled. *
  • *Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Has been cancelled until further notice.*

Stay safe and healthy.

Dave your webmaster