Father is asking all parishioners to either give him feedback on revised drawings of the proposed plan via the process of either emailing him, giving him something in writing via mail or dropping something off in writing at the parish office as soon as possible. Please consider: what is missing, what needs to be added, what you like, what don’t you like, etc.
Please use this email to respond to Father Thomas: stedwardpastor@gmail.com
View below on this page or download the whole plan here: Revised Option F
2024.04.19-St-Edward-Concept-DesignORIGINAL PROPOSAL
The primary goal of the creation of our Vision 2023 – 2048 document was to sharpen a vision for how the mission of the church can be realized in the next twenty-five years and how our small church will effectively evangelize our current community and the next generation with the facilities we currently have and will need in the future.
We hope you will take a few moments to read it and find a way to to support our efforts to prepare our facilities now and in the future.
Read it here:
Or download a copy: